Let's get Messy!
A couple of weeks ago I had the great pleasure and joy of
attending my very first Messy Church at Sherwood Anglican Church. Sherwood
Anglican is well known for being champions of Messy Church with Sue and Glen
Taylor being strong advocates and trainers for many years of this form of
Church Service. Ever since I started this job, Messy Church has often come up
in conversations when discussing ways we can become more intergenerational and
how we can reach families to share the Gospel in ways and formats that are
engaging and welcoming.

So how was my experience of Messy Church at Sherwood? It was
a joyful and new experience for me. That Sunday focus was on the ‘Mountain’
experience of God which explored the 10 commandments and the Beatitudes (Matt
5:3-11) which through the format of Messy Church turned into various fun
activities such as colouring in our own version of the 10 commandment tablets,
making delicious bee cupcakes (Be(e)atitudes – get it? I love a good pun), and
creating our own mountain which would become the backdrop for Communion.

This moment was amongst what was a great time all around and
it was refreshing to experience church in a different way and a service that
celebrates and highlights what each of us can bring regardless of our age and
maturity in Christ. The service wasn’t perfect by any means and I wouldn’t say
that Messy Church is for any and every church, but it I can’t deny that Messy
Church has made its mark on Sherwood Anglican for the better. I left a service
that was filled with laughter, life, hospitality, and a strong sense of family.
It was a beautiful experience and I think there is much to be learnt about the
approaches that Messy Church takes in forming the way we do church in new ways.
By Erica Skerman
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