3 Things for Churches to Consider about the Containers for Change Scheme!

Exciting news came my way back in October last year (2018): Queensland was bringing back a beverage container refund scheme! When I was a lad, way back when, you could take bottles back to your local corner shop and get a whole five cents each for them. Then you could go to the Ekka or a big sporting event, and literally climb into the rubbish bins with a big Glad bag to fill up with aluminium cans, making millions… or maybe a couple of dollars anyway. The message back then was pretty simple: if you could make the time and effort to go around and find bottles and cans to collect, you could make decent money out of the exercise, keep the environment free of rubbish, and good luck to you. So now the hands on the clock have gone full circle and people like you and I have the opportunity to generate a small income stream from beverage containers in Queensland once again. But is it worth doing? What follows are my thoughts on what I have discovered so far. 1. Opport...