Doing Small Sized Ministry Well

"From Little Things Big Things Grow" ~ Paul Kelly 1. Embrace the Blessings It's easy to get caught up in the numbers because numbers are important for a range of reasons. If we focus too much on this though, we can easily miss the blessings in the numbers we already have. It can be far too easy sometimes to get caught in the gap between reality and our hopes or expectations. A small ministry doesn't always mean a bad ministry, in fact, a small ministry has big opportunities. So cultivate the art of recognising the blessings in what you have in your Parish or ministry at this very moment. Who are their names? What are their stories? How can you invest into their faith journey? Being small means you have abilities that quickly become out of reach for those who are in larger ministries. You have the Ability to connect personally to each person who comes along, Ability to truly listen and tailor the program to the needs of your group, Ability to play ...