
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Sacred Seven Elements of a Strong Youth Ministry

What are some of the key elements of a strong youth group - especially the ones that might not spring immediately to mind? This is a classic question and recently I uncovered a set of answers from some of our Kiwi cousins. The team of youth staff in Wellington NZ have identified these seven practices as being integral to youth ministry in their diocese. (I've added my comments on each one.) Tribal Identity:  Ensure you have a group culture and that everyone knows they are part of your group.  (Comment: There are lots of ways to produce a good sense of tribe. Some churches have a designated Youth Room or youth group name or particular rituals each time they meet.) Small Group Belonging:  Every young person will be part of a smaller group with a leader assigned to that group.  (Comment: if the YG is already small (say, ten members or fewer), smaller groups may not be necessary.  But otherwise, some kind of 'small group time' is almost essential so t...