The Bookshelf: Growing Young

“Its ministry is not flashy, its facilities are pretty basic, and it has only one full-time staff person. However, the church is now a place where young people love to be and where they are growing in their faith” Book Title: Growing Young: 6 essential strategies to help young people discover and love your church Written By: Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad Griffin. Researchers at Fuller Youth Institute America. Available At: Roscoe Library Kindle Koorong Recommended Readers: Clergy, Youth Pastors, Anyone involved in Youth Ministry, Anyone involved in Young Adult Ministry, Anyone passionate about Youth and Young Adults, ideally everyone Help! I don’t have time to read (aka recommended short version): Read Chapter One which summarises the key themes and overall research really well and then take a quick read of the ‘Chapter Highlights’ located at the end of each chapter. Then read accordingly to whatever takes you interest, curiosity...